Contact us

Below you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Frequently asked questions!

Who is leading the project?

IndiCell is led by Professor Anna Falk at Lund University. Anna is co-coordinating the project with Malin Parmar (LU) and Fredrik Lenner (KI).

How is IndiCell financed?

IndiCell has received a grant of almost 40 million from Vinnova, for the 5 years the project is planned to run.

How long will the IndiCell project last?

IndiCell is planned to run in project form for 5 years October 2021 – September 2026.

Which actors are involved in the project?

IndiCell is a collaboration between academia (LU, KI, KTH), industry (BioLamina, AcouSort, MagicBioProcessing) and healthcare (SUS, KUS).

Why is the IndiCell project important?

Indicell aims to provide new curative treatments for diseases where treatments are currently rare or where the treatments aim to alleviate symptoms.

What are the social benefits of IndiCell?

Over a 5-10 year period, cell therapies are likely to:

  1. Significantly reduce the need for patients to use drug therapies and later invasive therapies needed to treat their side effects.
  2. Reduce patient morbidity and mortality and enable longer working lives, thereby creating cost-efficiency and economic benefits for society.