Advanced therapies (ATMPs) in focus at Almedalen

Published: 2023-06-22
How can Sweden’s strong basic research be turned into advanced therapies? The Faculty of Medicine at Lund University, together with Skåne University Hospital, invites you to a seminar in Almedalen.DATE & TIME
Thursday 29 June
Cl. 14.10-14.55
S:t Hansplan 2, St. Hans Café, Folkhälsodalen.

Research-based development and cooperation – strengthening Sweden’s competitiveness

With ATMPs – advanced therapies based on cells, genes and tissues – diseases can be treated in completely new ways, but this requires close cooperation between industry, teaching hospitals and universities. The proximity to research distinguishes advanced therapies from traditional drug development. Developing these cutting-edge but expensive and complex treatments therefore requires an industrial policy environment that favors development and research. ATMPs can treat and cure serious diseases. What are the roles of government, regions and companies in bringing new advanced medical treatments to patients across the country? How do we harness the power of all of Sweden so that excellent researchers can drive development?


Anna Falk, Professor at the Stem Cell Center at Lund University.

Stefan Volk Jovinge, Professor and Head of Research and Development at Skåne University Hospital.

Anna Sandström, Senior Director Science Policy and Relations Europe at AstraZeneca

Marie Morell (M) Vice Chair of SKR’s healthcare delegation and Chair of the Regional Board in Region Östergötland.

Niclas Nilsson, project engineer by day and previously treated with gene therapy for hemophilia.

Moderator: Göran Hägglund, Reform Society Company

See the event in the Almedalen official program

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